The Senate bill, the House bill, the overlap is90-plus percent. 参院版的法案和众院版的法案,有百分之九十以上是一样的。
Republicans refused to back the original House bill and indicate they are not about to change their minds. 共和党人拒绝支持众议院通过的原有议案,并表示他们不会改变主意。
We've still got to get the House bill and the Senate bill to match up before it gets sent to my desk, so we got a little more work to do over the next couple of days. 在这个法案被送交到我的办公桌上之前,我们仍然要使众议院和参议院的法案版本得以协调,所以在今后几天的时间里,我们还有一些工作要做。
The House bill would provide legal liability protections for companies that share cyber threat information with each other or with the government. 众议院通过的这项法案,将为那些在彼此之间或向政府部门共享网络威胁信息的公司提供保障,免除其法律责任。
The lower house passed the bill under similar circumstances last month. 日本众议院上月在类似情形下通过了这个法案。
House lawmakers amended the bill on the floor to open college aid to all young illegal immigrants. 众议院议员在议院对法案进行了修改,对所有年轻非法移民开放大学助学金。
But President Obama has signaled opposition to the House's tax bill on constitutional grounds. 但奥巴马总统已经对众议院的税票表示反对,在法治的基础上。
The White House says the bill will help to protect the economy and the American people, but some expert says there is always the risk of over regulating, which could tighten credit. 白宫说,该法案将有助于保护美国经济和人民,但专家认为总是存在过分监管的风险,而这将导致信贷紧缩。
The House bill differs from a similar Senate bill in that it does not provide a path for FDA approval of follow-on biologics. 但是在参议院的另一个类似法案中,FDA并没有得到审批“后继生物药”的权限。
The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill. 白宫当场投票表决,共和党人被否决了。
To its credit, the House bill does create a consumer financial protection agency to protect borrowers from predatory lending. 应该赞许的是,众议院法案提出成立“消费者金融保护局”(consumerfinancialprotectionagency),来保护债务人抵御掠夺性放贷行为。
A House bill focused strictly on border security, and a Senate bill concentrated on amnesty. 众议院在法案中强调边境安全,而参议院法案则在法案中强调特赦。
The White House said that the bill would be deficit neutral, with increased costs to be offset by savings and the new taxes. 白宫表示,这项议案对赤字的影响中性,增加的成本将被节省的款项和新税收所抵销。
Forty-two years later, I began writing another memoir, this one about the eight years I spent in the White House living history with Bill Clinton. 四十二年后,我又开始写自传,不过这次是记述我和比尔克林顿在白宫亲身经历的八年历史。
Messrs Schumer and Graham have rewritten their version into something similar to the House bill. 舒默和格雷厄姆已经将自己的提案修改得接近于众议院的法案。
"There are a lot of good features in the House bill, and, of course, there are others I believe the Senate will improve upon," Harkin said. “众议院的法案中有不少好的方面,当然,还有其它一些我认为参议院可以改进的地方,”哈金说。
Under the House bill, the prohibition on denying coverage would begin one year earlier in2013, with similar prohibitions on higher premiums based on pre-existing conditions or gender. 根据众议院的法案,禁止拒绝向客户提供保险的条款将早一年于2013年开始施行,禁止基于被保户已有的健康状况或者性别而收取更高保费的类似条款同时施行。
If this were not enough, the House bill creates regulatory loopholes big enough for bankers to drive their Jaguars through. 如果这还不够,众议院法案创造的监管漏洞之大,足以让银行家们开着捷豹跑车穿过。
And the House should pass this bill as soon as possible so I can sign it into law. 议会应该尽快通过这个议案以便我可以将其签署为法律。
Most notably, the House bill did serous damage to conservation. 最突出的问题是,众议院法案给环保造成了严重损害。
After the passage of the House bill by a narrow vote last week, President Barack Obama warned imposing carbon border taxes might send a protectionist signal. 在美国众议院上上周以微弱优势通过上述法案后,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)总统警告称,开征碳关税可能会发出一种保护主义信号。
US House approves bill to give President more power in negotiating trade deals. 美众议院批准扩大总统贸易谈判权法案。
Anger at the House bill could hurt efforts to get more Latinos to vote Republican in congressional elections this november. 若众议院法案受到指责,在11月份的国会大选中,使更多的拉丁美洲人投共和党的票这一努力将会受挫。
Last week the House passed a bill setting rules for pay packages at a wide range of financial institutions. 上星期白宫通过了一个议案,对大范围内的金融机构的薪酬设立规定。
Republican House Speaker John Boehner called on the Senate to pass the House bill. 共和党籍众议院议长贝纳要求参议院通过众议院法案。
The House bill does not even make an attempt to unravel the conflict of interest that led credit ratings agencies to turn a blind eye to the risks the Street was taking on. 众议院法案甚至没有试着解决评级机构与华尔街之间的利益冲突,正是这种利益冲突导致前者对后者背负的风险视而不见。
Another improvement is that the Senate's plan raises money not by soaking the rich through income taxes, as the House bill envisions, but through excise taxes on the most expensive health policies. 另一个改进是参议院的计划不采取众议院想象的那样,通过征收所得税抽干富人而筹集资金,而是通过向最贵的健康保险保单征收消费税。